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nutritional counseling

This nutritional consultation is for you if you...


  • You feel constantly tired and lack energy,  your digestion is very sluggish (e.g. bloated belly).

  • You're tired of cravings and severe mood swings (especially before your period) that often limit you.

  • You've tried every diet and new trend, but always fall back into old patterns and are completely overwhelmed by what's right for you. 

  • You want to know cycle food to bring your hormones into balance.


initial consultation

60 minutes - €79.00

Follow-up advice


45 minutes - €69.00


Nutritional counseling is a puzzle piece of holistic women's health. To ensure a regular and pain-free menstrual cycle in the long run, nutrition is a first step in the right direction and can already alleviate a lot of discomfort!


If you want to bring your hormones back into balance on a holistic level and get rid of menstrual cramps, my 10-week coaching support is just right for you!

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